Service Detail
What is involved?
Estate administration, often referred to as probate, is the process of managing a person’s affairs after their death. Some simple initial steps are:
- Register the death – Obtain the death certificate from the local registrar.
- Locate the Will – Identify the Executors named in the Will, who are responsible for administering the Estate.
- Apply for a Grant of Probate – With the Will, apply for this grant to close accounts, transfer funds, and distribute the Estate.
If there is no Will, the Estate is distributed according to intestacy rules. You will need to determine the legal administrator through a hierarchy of relatives and apply for Letters of Administration, which serve the same purpose as a Grant of Probate.
You can appoint a representative to handle the legal matters on your behalf. Touch Solicitors offers a sympathetic and dedicated service, including:
- Assisting with funeral arrangements
- Notifying organisations of the death
- Obtaining the Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration
- Ensuring timely payment of taxes to avoid penalties
- Distributing the Estate according to the Will or intestacy rules.
We offer flexible support tailored to your needs. There are no hidden costs or percentage uplifts based on the Estate’s value. For added peace of mind, we offer both fixed fees and hourly rates:
- Simple Estate: £850 plus VAT for the transfer on the death of one spouse, including IHT forms, Grant of Probate, and asset transfer.
- Complex Estate: Fees range from £2,500 to £10,000 plus VAT and disbursements, depending on Estate size and complexity.
- High-Value Estate: Estates over the inheritance tax threshold require detailed IHT400 forms and HMRC liaison. Fees typically range from £15,000 to £20,000.
We offer confidential consultations over the phone or in person. For more information, please contact us.

Dealing with a loved one’s financial and legal affairs while coming to terms with your loss can be extremely difficult – and knowing where to start with Estate administration can feel overwhelming.